Steam locomotive HL.303

Current state :


Steam locomotive built in 1888 by «La Métallurgique, société anonyme de construction : Ateliers de Tubize». It belongs to the « Type 7 » built to tow heavy trains. It is the oldest steam locomotive in operating conditions in Belgium!

Note the particular appearance of this faired locomotive. This design allows the possibility of driving on two places; the machinist (engine driver) always had a good visibility on the track, while the fireman was responsible of the fire and the water alimentation of the boiler. He stayed all the time on the side of the furnace. The fairing protected road users from the movements of the crankshaft. These trams sometimes ran through the roads. The 303 ran in the province of Liège, in particular on Huy – Waremme and Liège – Warsage lines. In 1958, it was sold to the « Charbonnages d’Argenteau » (Blégny-mine) and bought for the tram museum in Schepdaal. Then, it was entrusted to the ASVi which restored it in operating conditions.

Technical specifications :


Société anonyme de construction La Métallurgique

Construction place:


Construction date:


Power source:

Coal and water


Steam cylinders


300 steam horsepower

Theoretical maximum speed:

30 km/h